Children & Adolescent Emotional Wellbeing

Ensuring the Emotional Wellbeing of Children& Adolescents is Two Robbins most important aim. Everything we do with parents, schools and families, is structured to promote this. It is clear that mental health issues in children have been growing. The numbers of young people and children being referred to Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)…

Peer Pressure

Peers are people who are a similar age to you. Peer pressure for children and young people is feeling like they have to do something just because their friends or other people around them are doing it – feel like they fit in. Some of the types of things they may feel pressurised into doing…

Parenting Programmes

• There is growing evidence to show that parenting programmes can be an effective way of improving the behaviour of pre – adolescent and adolescent children who have behaviour problems. The effects last over time. • Overall, behaviourally oriented parenting programmes seem to produce the biggest subsequent changes in children’s behaviour. While programmes with a…

Seminars Work Shops

Two Robbins run a series of workshops and Seminars for parents and professionals. ●Two Robbins offer consultations with professionals to determine what would be right for their organization. ●It is within these consultation sessions that intervention can be tailored specifically for certain groups or individuals. ●Some elements have been adapted to incorporate additional information for…