
When family relationships break down, Courts sometimes require parents to attend parenting programmes. We have a choice of Evidence Based programmes to fit the requirements of such requests or orders Making arrangements for your children when there are disputes going on can be very difficult. At Two Robbins, we can provide one to one Evidence…

Enrichment Classes For Pupils

Two Robbins deliver Enrichment classes for all Key stages at school. The topics include: ● Boosting & Building confidence, ● Looking after ones Emotional Well-being, ● Looking after my Physical well being, ● Building Self Esteem, ● Keeping motivated, ● Staying positive & engaged ● How can I boost my Resilience? All workshops include interactive…

Interpersonal Mediation

Two Robbins facilitate mediation between family members, helping you to move forward with disputes and promoting good relationships. The aim of Mediation is to facilitate agreements and solutions that are decided by yourself. We remain impartial at all times and enable adults and children the opportunity to work towards a better relationship.

Drug & Alchohol awareness

Parenting Programmes for parents with drug and Alcohol issues We offer Parenting Programmes and short workshops for professionals and parents that want to learn more about these issues. Assessment and Sign posting to other services For parents affected by these issues, we offer the Strengthening families and Strengthening communities Parenting programmes. This is an evidence…

Signs and prevention of Gang initiation

Two Robbins offer works shops and seminars and Parenting Programmes to children parents and professionals on signs of gang initiation and how one can intervene early to prevent this.We also offer the Strengthening Families Parenting Programme which is an evidence based programme that looks at all aspects of family and community life including ways of…

SEN – Special Educational Needs

Family Wellbeing; Workshops For The Parents & Carers Of Children With Disabilities Having worked for several years with parents, carers, foster carers and special guardians of children, we have familiarised ourselves with many of the issues that affect families on an everyday basis and have been able to provide help advice and guidance to families…

Divorced / Separating Parents

Two Robbins provide family mediation and help on a one to one basis in managing the delicate emotions and behaviours of children that can occur at stressful times such as separation. We also help parents to understand their children and how to create methods and routines that make family life and relationships, feel better.

Parents Working with Cafcass

Cafcass is the voice of children in the family courts and helps to ensure that children’s welfare is put first during proceedings. Cafcass is asked by the court to become involved in cases once an application has been made to the court. Making arrangements for your children when there are disputes going on can be…